Thursday, 29 September 2011

Why Hair Fall?

Why Hair Falls?

Hair fall happens due following reasons
1.       Dandruff
Dandruff can be one of the main reason for hair fall. Dandruff is often caused by a fungus called Malassezia. Over growth of this fungus is called Dandruff. Chronic dandruff and scalp irritation can block hair follicles, thereby hindering hair growth. Dandruff causes itching, burning, and unstoppable scratching. This makes root of the hair weak and thereby causes hair fall.
Dandruff can be caused due several reasons like oily scalp, Increased oil production, Sweating, Poor hygiene, stress and many more.

2.       Stress/Tension
Stress can either be psychological, such as chronic worrying, or physical, the result of surgery, illness or trauma.

When the body and our health is negatively affected (trauma, pregnancy, emotional stress, major illness) your hair no longer has priority for your health maintenance. Severe mental stress can have this affect as your body and mind tries to deal with your emotional issues. This process, known as telogen effluvium, occurs when more hairs go into a "resting phase" and are shed. Telogen Effluvium is characterized by sudden, diffuse hair loss caused by an interruption in the normal hair growth cycle. This interruption is often the result of trauma, such as chemotherapy, childbirth, major surgery, severe stress, and severe chronic illness. This trauma causes large numbers of hair follicles to enter a stage of telogen, or rest, simultaneously

3.       Water
Because of various Environmental factors, water gets polluted. This polluted water are harmful for hair wash. Also due to availability of hard water in our taps, there is no option other than use hard water for hair wash. Hard water weakens the roots of the hair due to which hair fall occurs.

4.       Thyroid
If you are suffering from hypothyroidism, your body isn’t producing enough thyroid hormone. During this resting phase the lack of proper hormone production shortens the growth period of the resting follicles. When the growth period is shortened 50 to 100 thinner, shorter hair shafts that aren’t healthy are being produced and replacing the healthier hair each day. The hair that is affected by this will fall out sooner than hair that grows under normal circumstances. It makes sense because the hair that falls out normally has good strong, healthy hair shafts.

5.       Hormonal imbalance
Rapid Hair Fall is often caused by hormonal changes.  When hormones change, the growth phase or growth period of hair follicles becomes shorter. This in turn produces shorter, thinner hair shafts that aren’t as strong as normal hair shafts. This hair will either fall out faster or become dry and brittle enough to break off.

6.       Fungal infection
A fungal infection can cause temporary hair fall accompanied with bald patches. The scalp can become red, itchy and there can be blistering. Due to the fungal infection the hair becomes weak and breaks off resulting in hair fall.

7.       Iron deficiency
Iron deficiency anemia occurs when an individual lacks iron. Without enough iron, the body cannot produce adequate amounts of hemoglobin. This affects the body in various ways, interfering with red blood cell production. If you don't get enough iron, you may develop anemia, characterized by symptoms such as fatigue, headaches and hair fall.

8.       Genetics
Hair begins to thin before it falls out. This thinning process, called miniturization, is brought about by the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), produced by both men and women (though in lesser amounts in the latter). If someone in your family ancestry--either male or female--went bald prematurely, you're genetically predisposed to baldness. However, the National Institutes of Health notes that each hair strand stops growing after about five years, goes through miniturization and is then replaced by a new strand within six months. Therefore, real pattern baldness, which, according to, is responsible for over 99 percent of hair fall, occurs because new hair fails to grow, not because of actual hair fall.

There are other various factors like due to which hair fall occurs like Improper diet, age, Pregancy,Length of the Hair, The rate of hair growth, Color of the hair, Lack of Vitamins.

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